Projects > Coptic Wiki Dictionary

What is Coptionary?

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Coptionary is a Wiktionary (i.e. a Wiki type of dictionary) for the Coptic language, where users can search words and find their meaning,  find synonymous, or different spelling for different dialects.
The use of Coptionary will be open for public, but to edit you have to register. This is why we hosted the wiki locally at this website instead of hosting it in Wiktionary (which is a hassle in itself)
The reason we decided that only registered users can create/edit pages is that we want to insure a certain level of quality in the wiki, we can insure it by moderation (which requires a lot of work and dedication) or by registering only trusted users.
If you want to add material to the wiki, please reply to this thread and Admin will create you a user name and a password.
In Christ.

The dictionary can be found at:

Namenrati tyrou. }ouws `eer`svyri nemwten qen ]ancaji Kopsinari. My teten`staho `eroi `nou`cqyout `ncaji e;rier`svyri ouoh `ntaitahou `nhancaji qen netenancaji Kopsinari. Vnou] ef`e`cmou `ntenacpe. Tensep`hmot `ntoten. Jeorje

My beloved friends. I want to participate with you in the Coptionary dictionary. Can you add and register me that I may participate and add words to your Coptionary dictionary? May God bless our language. Thank you.

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welcome our dear
see your email, I sent you your name and your pass word (password)

Teshep ehmot admin :)


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