View full version: Coptic Resources (Downloads)
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  1. Blog in Coptic
  2. Most Important Downloads without Copyright !
  3. Coptic Egyptian Video Course Part 2 - The Villa Ϯερβι
  4. Ancient Greek Pronunciation
  5. Latin and Coptic
  6. New online Coptic / Hieroglyphic / Anything editor
  7. Sahidic Coptic Course (in Arabic)
  8. The Pokeglot's Bohairic Coptic Course in English
  9. NativLang: What Ancient Egyptian Sounded Like
  10. Bohairic Coptic Course
  11. Revitalizing Endangered Languages
  12. Sahidic Coptic Course
  13. Coptic Egyptian Video Course Part 1 - The Family Ϯμετⲓⲱⲧ
  14. Coptic Reader
  15. Online Dictionary
  16. Dictionaries
  17. + + + Coptic bible (for download) + + +
  18. Greek Coptic Keyboard
  19. Email Maher's research about old pronunciation
  20. Hieroglyphics/Coptic Course, by Andrew Earthrise
  21. Any New Lists/Dictionaries of New Words Found (of non-Greek Origin)?
  22. Coptic words that found their way into the Egyptian colloquial lingo
  23. Coptic Prayer App
  24. Coptic exercises/تدريبات بالقبطية
  25. Marcion Dictionary and Coptic texts
  26. سفر باروخ قبطى بحيرى
  27. Coptic Unicode Fonts & other CS fonts
  28. Online: Emile Maher Ishak’s D.Phil Thesis (1975)
  29. Coptic Hymns on Youtube
  30. coptic song
  31. Coptic Manuscripts
  32. دالة للتحويل للتقويم القبطي Coptic calendar converter
  33. قاموس إقلاديوس .. بى ان صاجى ان اقلاديوس
  34. Kami Resources
  35. How do I get this book?
  36. Coptic arts Monday, July 4, 2011 a script to enable Coptic in REDhat like Linux
  37. ⲡⲓϩⲟⲩⲓⲧ ⲛ̀ⲕⲉⲫⲁⲗⲉⲟⲛ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ϯⲡ̀ⲣⲟⲫⲏⲧⲓⲁ̀ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ Ⲓⲱⲛⲁ
  38. Coptic OS
  39. فيديو قبطى وعربى
  40. اسماء بعض القديسين باللغة القبطية و صورهم
  41. اهداء لذكرى شهداء نجع حمادي
  42. prayer of paul
  43. فيديو هيعلمك الارقام و الاعداد القبطية في دقيقة
  44. Coptic English dictionary for StarDict
  45. عروض
  46. كلمة للمهتمين باللغة القبطية
  47. copticsounds - a resource for the study of Coptic phonology
  48. فهرس الكلمات الثنائية
  49. ترنيمة لما أكون تعبان قبطى
  50. تسجيل قراءة أبوغلمسيس