- The correct English translation for 'ⲡⲱⲱⲛⲉ ⲛ̄ⲕⲱϩ'
- Pronounciation of some letters نطق بعض الحروف
- Coptic Revitalists?[sic.] [Coptic Revivalists?]
- Are there manuscripts apart from liturgical ones المخطوطات القبطية
- Coptic Classical and Colloquial العامية والفصحي
- г and б
- request for writing Coptic names أسماء قبطية
- finding liturgical texts مساعدة في نصوص قبطية
- Stress of Coptic words
- On double-checking one's "ⲫ" and "ⲃ" pronunciation
- How many people is there who can talk coptic in the whole world?
- IPA Chart of Greco-Roman and Old-Bolhairic?
- Translation (Mat 25)
- ⲭⲏⲙⲓ gender
- The letter “o” in The Gospel of Thomas
- verb conjugations: past and future tense in coptic?
- pronunciation advice
- Showing Dialogue in Coptic & Translations
- Old Bohairic vs Sahidic, What's the difference?
- New questions about [speaking an teaching] the Coptic language in Egypt
- Practicing by Translation
- (ⲉϥ)
- A Proposed Theory on Absolute, Construct, and Pronomial
- English to Coptic?: Human beings, who must explore the art of mathematics
- Mark 1:8, 10, 11, 14: translation from Sahidic
- Is it best to learn Sahidic?
- possible coptic inscription: ΧΡ-ΑΩ
- recording the Gospels in Coptic طلب من الاخ ماركوس
- Durative or non Durative and Tense
- Clause Constructions
- Focal Points in sentences
- Coptic Grammar: circumstantial or relative
- Coptic Bible w/ Wood Covers
- Romanized Coptic Words
- Translation help for book transcription
- New member - ⲛⲟϥⲣⲓ ⲛⲁⲙⲉⲛⲣⲁϯ
- Revelation 19:1.
- الغموض في اللغة القبطية
- asking about free books: Coptic etymological dictionary
- Coptic epitaph شاهد قبر قبطي
- سؤال عن اسلوب النفي في العامية
- زمن العادة؟هل فيه فعلا زمن للعادة والا ده اختراع جديد عمله مالون
- سؤال Differentiation between Sahidic and Bohairic
- ⲱⲟⲩ, ⲟⲩⲱ, ⲟⲩⲟ, ⲟⲟ, ⲃⲱ, ⲟⲩⲛ, شوية اسئلة في النطق
- الابجدية القبطية الصعيدية
- كيف نضع شرطة أعلى الحروف القبطية؟
- ⲡ̅ⲣ̅ كيف يتم كتابة هدا الاختصار؟
- Download from archive.org مشكلة في تنزيل كتب قبطية
- كيف تنطق كلمة حام وسام ويافث باليوناني و القبطي ؟
- قواعد الحروف باللفظ القديم