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  1. The correct English translation for 'ⲡⲱⲱⲛⲉ ⲛ̄ⲕⲱϩ'
  2. Pronounciation of some letters نطق بعض الحروف
  3. Coptic Revitalists?[sic.] [Coptic Revivalists?]
  4. Are there manuscripts apart from liturgical ones المخطوطات القبطية
  5. Coptic Classical and Colloquial العامية والفصحي
  6. г and б
  7. request for writing Coptic names أسماء قبطية
  8. finding liturgical texts مساعدة في نصوص قبطية
  9. Stress of Coptic words
  10. On double-checking one's "ⲫ" and "ⲃ" pronunciation
  11. How many people is there who can talk coptic in the whole world?
  12. IPA Chart of Greco-Roman and Old-Bolhairic?
  13. Translation (Mat 25)
  14. ⲭⲏⲙⲓ gender
  15. The letter “o” in The Gospel of Thomas
  16. verb conjugations: past and future tense in coptic?
  17. pronunciation advice
  18. Showing Dialogue in Coptic & Translations
  19. Old Bohairic vs Sahidic, What's the difference?
  20. New questions about [speaking an teaching] the Coptic language in Egypt
  21. Practicing by Translation
  22. (ⲉϥ)
  23. A Proposed Theory on Absolute, Construct, and Pronomial
  24. English to Coptic?: Human beings, who must explore the art of mathematics
  25. Mark 1:8, 10, 11, 14: translation from Sahidic
  26. Is it best to learn Sahidic?
  27. possible coptic inscription: ΧΡ-ΑΩ
  28. recording the Gospels in Coptic طلب من الاخ ماركوس
  29. Durative or non Durative and Tense
  30. Clause Constructions
  31. Focal Points in sentences
  32. Coptic Grammar: circumstantial or relative
  33. Coptic Bible w/ Wood Covers
  34. Romanized Coptic Words
  35. Translation help for book transcription
  36. New member - ⲛⲟϥⲣⲓ ⲛⲁⲙⲉⲛⲣⲁϯ
  37. Revelation 19:1.
  38. الغموض في اللغة القبطية
  39. asking about free books: Coptic etymological dictionary
  40. Coptic epitaph شاهد قبر قبطي
  41. سؤال عن اسلوب النفي في العامية
  42. زمن العادة؟هل فيه فعلا زمن للعادة والا ده اختراع جديد عمله مالون
  43. سؤال Differentiation between Sahidic and Bohairic
  44. ⲱⲟⲩ, ⲟⲩⲱ, ⲟⲩⲟ, ⲟⲟ, ⲃⲱ, ⲟⲩⲛ, شوية اسئلة في النطق
  45. الابجدية القبطية الصعيدية
  46. كيف نضع شرطة أعلى الحروف القبطية؟
  47. ⲡ̅ⲣ̅ كيف يتم كتابة هدا الاختصار؟
  48. Download from مشكلة في تنزيل كتب قبطية
  49. كيف تنطق كلمة حام وسام ويافث باليوناني و القبطي ؟
  50. قواعد الحروف باللفظ القديم