UPDATE: Dictionary Project has been retired in favor of wikitionary's project.
Please use that instead
Wikitionary is a dictionary that allow people to contribute in similar way wikipedia allow contributions. The project is managed by same foundation behind wikipedia.If you want to contribute, please consider contributing there instead. Bohairic SahidicAims:1- Provide an web-based Coptic Dictionary
Editable by all members : Any member in the forum can (add new words / suggest correction for an existing word / etc ...)
Open : Any visitor (guest or member) can view the database and use its search functionality freely
Reliable : Because there is field where the member should (but not required to) enter the refernces [i.e. from where did he get this word and its meaning]
4- A Desktop application will be provided as an alternative to the web interface and to give more functionallity (like downloading the entire database and seacrh offline)
The dictionary will consist of a Big tables with the following fields
word -> where you can enter the coptic word
meaning -> the meaning of the word this field should be in English but you can use Arabic
origin -> where you can tell if it is Greek word or Coptic word
dialect -> Sahidic, Bohairic, Fayumic, Achmimmic, & sub-Achmimmic.
Pronounciation -> How the word
WAS Pronounced (this field should be written in latin letters)
member -> the member who added this word. this allow us to know who provide accurate informations and who add words carelessly
other spellings -> any different spelling for the same word
refernces -> list of refernces that has this word ( dictionaries, lessons books, websites, .....)
comments -> Any comments for this word
waiting for your suggestions and comments
This project will not start before month form the date of this posting giving the time for everyone to say his opinion