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Author Topic: Bible verse Transliteration  (Read 7193 times)

23 March , 2009, 01:38:35 PM
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Offline Struzzo

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Bible verse Transliteration
« on: 23 March , 2009, 01:38:35 PM »
I need a transliteration from coptic language to latin alphabet, just like in this Wikipedia page, of this Bible verse:

Hn te.houeite ne.f.shoop ngi p.shaje. Auw p.shaje ne.f.shoop n.nahrm p.noute. Auw ne.u.noute pe p.shaje.

and this, same meaning, in greek:

En arche en ho logos kai ho logos en pros ton theon kai theos en ho logos.

I don't know how to transliterate those verses.

Thanks in advance.

23 March , 2009, 05:34:10 PM
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Re: Bible verse Transliteration
« Reply #1 on: 23 March , 2009, 05:34:10 PM »
The Coptic verse you mentioned is very famous and there is a big debate about it all over the Internet
it is written in Coptic (Shaidic dialect) Just put the verse in the search box and you will find its translation (btw. if you don't know it is the first verses in john's Gospel)

23 March , 2009, 07:51:17 PM
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Re: Bible verse Transliteration
« Reply #2 on: 23 March , 2009, 07:51:17 PM »
Yes, I know is the first verse of John's Gospel. I tried to googlize this verse but i can't find the exatly transliteration for pronunciation. I need for a chorus that sing my musical opera that includes this verse. If you're capable, could you write down for me? Thanks.

23 March , 2009, 09:07:58 PM
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Re: Bible verse Transliteration
« Reply #3 on: 23 March , 2009, 09:07:58 PM »
aha, so you are asking about pronunciation
well, I didn't study the sahidic dialect's pronunciation
I can try to ask but it won't be easy to get accurate answer because thing dialect died long ago
the original text is
the following is the pronunciation I can give based on my knowledge
han tehouida nafswp enshi (e)bshaja a-ouw (e)bshaja en nahram (e)bnouta a-ouw nawnouta ba (e)bshaja

the letter Ⲉ can be pronounced either e or short a
i am not sure when it is pronounced what, so I used my knowledge of Bohairic dialect to guess
same for Ⲧ could be "d" or "t"
I pronounced the letter Ϭ as sh, but many say that it was pronounced jsh
Ⲁ is pronounced like a big A as in "war" or "far"
hope that help

is it important to say the verse in sahidic dialect, can't you say it in Bohairic dialect instead ?

26 March , 2009, 02:43:28 AM
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Re: Bible verse Transliteration
« Reply #4 on: 26 March , 2009, 02:43:28 AM »
Thanks for your help.


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