so, code in svn repository is prepared.
checkout them by
svn co marcion
if you still have no functional scons, build dependencies ibycus and djview through qmake/make , then main application. then copy mysql/data from source or binary tarball into marcion/mysql, and mysql-5.1.41-linux-i686-glibc23/share directory from mysql 5.1.41 into marcion/mysql/, so mysql now contains directories data, share, and file my.cnf. and run marcion.
if you have scons installed now, what is more easier way, just run scons with parameters as tells outpit from
scons -h
then move directory mysql/data from source or binary tarball of marcion into newly installed marcion/mysql (directory 'share' is copied automatically by scons during installation process)
now you have marcion with all features, including simple tlg reader.