Our Coptic language > Ask

Stress of Coptic words



I'm new here. I read already a lot about the Coptic language. It's so interesting!!! I'd like to speak (better) Coptic. But I have a quite big problem: I'm not sure how to stress/to pronounce the words. There're some vowels like ⲏ or ⲱ you've to stress. But what's with the others vowels? I need some help! :) Ⲛⲁⲛⲉϥ Ⲉⲙⲁϣⲱ Ϣⲉⲡϩⲙⲟⲧ!


Hello XHMIhablante,
Welcome to the forum!

I don't know the rules myself maybe another member can help with that.

That being said, I am strong believer in learning a new language same way a baby learn to speak. You don't give the baby the "rules" on how to pronounce things, you just speak in front of them and eventually their brain recognize the pattern and use it.
If you like to pick bunch of words, we'll be happy to suggest their proper pronunciation to you

As with any language there are no fixed rules, however, the main consensus is that the last vowel and occasionally the penultimate vowel are the ones stressed (possibly elongated) in Coptic esp. Bohairic dialect. It has less to do with which vowels (as is the case with many languages), as with the word itself, and also the position of the word within a phrase.

The whole this vowel shouldbe the long one and this is short, is not really an accurate representation of how people speak.


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