Our Coptic language > Ask

Convert unicode


Does anybody have any idea how to convert text written in non-Unicode fonts to Unicode fonts without retyping? As far as I can tell, there is a web page that allows one to convert text from one non-Unicode font (like New Athanasius) to another non-Unicode font (like CS Avva Shenouda). But there is nothing that converts from non-Unicode to Unicode. Any suggestions?

I am working on this program, Should be ready by tomorrow

The font converter is ready, it can be downloaded from here

if possible, don't give the direct link to anyone, give the link of this Topic instead
or at least say from where did you get the program, we need some advertisement

Using the program is easy.
Currently it can convert the following

CS Font to Unicode
Unicode to CS Font
Beshoy (Pishoi) To Unicode
Unicode to Beshoy

Note: Don't try to convert between two ASCII fonts

You can extend the program to support more fonts using the file "map.csv"
this is how the file "map.csv" looks like

--- Code: ---CS Font Unicode Beshoy
a ⲁ a
b ⲃ b
g ⲅ g

--- End code ---
if you want to add support for another font , simply add new column

--- Code: ---CS Font Unicode Beshoy New Font
a ⲁ a a
b ⲃ b b
g ⲅ g 7

--- End code ---
columns are separated by tabs

updated version of map.csv
Now the program support the conversion from the Greek alphabet to Coptic alphabet
To use the new map
download the attached zip file
uncompress its content
copy the file "map.csv" to the program directory
you will be asked if you want to replace the file, say "yes"

you can also use this to convert any coptic text into images
so that you can view any Coptic text without the need to install any font


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