thank you for reviewing the script
* I am sure ubuntu script will never work, did u forget to do cd ttf before copying the ttf files
you are right it 'll never work actually ubuntu script is an unfinished project that I forget about after starting to work on Coptic OS
but some day I may install ubuntu and try to make it work unless some one did it 1st
* fedora script calls "whoami" why?
just to remind the user to become a root
I do that mistake frequently
* what is the "rules" directory I think it will ruin your system if you have a different kind of keyboard
the changes that I made that allowed KDE 4 & up && Gnome 3 deals with cop just like any other keyboard
some of those changes trying to make Gnome - before Gnome3 - accept Coptic keyboard
but did NOT work without the script
that has the command
setxkbmap -layout "us,cop,ar" -variant "qwerty_digits" -option "" -option "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
Now it 's useless in Gnome 3 but it is good for whom uses other Desktop environment Like enlightnment blackbox icewin .etc
the rules directory did NOT harm my system
* DejaVu fonts are included although it can be installed using the user's package manager instead of replacing the user's possibly new version with your version
that is a good point
* still total size of fonts folder is 21M and contain fonts not related to unicode (for example CS fonts) so maybe we should ask the user first
well I thought they would help the people who have old documents written by NON unicode fonts and one of them I liked so much that I could NOt ignore putting it "coptic manuscript " I took from Abo Dokhana site
I can help with the script, just tell me how (of if) you plan to handle those converns
please do any modification you would like to do
am just a newbie in Linux but am trying to learn as much as I can
so please modify it as you like
and if you can package it to rpm or other format that 'll be good because I could NOT learn how to make an rpm file
and please keep me up to date about the details of your modifications for no reason but to learn more